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IPSYCOM achieved historical best times in the Mill Liner Change of Minera Hudbay in Cusco, Perú.

IPSYCOM has successfully executed the Mill Liner Change of its client in Cusco, Peru from April 28th to May 2nd (SAG № 1, SAG № 3 and Balls № 4). Again, safety has been the priority in this last service to keep operations within standards.


For its part, IPSYCOM's operational capacity in Mill Liner Change has been doubled to achieve its new targets. Since January of this year 2024, the supplier company has added to its team of collaborators more top-level Peruvian and Chilean professionals and technicians. In this same sense, the experience and knowledge of the specialists in the maintenance of SAG and Ball mills has once again played an important role before, during and after the service. This major shutdown has been a sample of the great human talent that the company has to achieve differentiation in the Peruvian and foreign market.


Next, it is pleasing and satisfactory for the entire IPSYCOM work team to show the significant reduction in the time offered in this last service: SAG Mill № 1 (-12 hours), SAG Mill № 3 (-20 hours) and Ball Mill № 4 (-8 hours). These are the great results of serious work, based on safety, quality, time and commitment, which started 14 years ago in Mill Liner Change. All this, finally, translates into higher production and profitability for the customer's Process Plant.


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